Manuals are instructions on how to do something or how to use something properly or more efficiently. Manuals cover a variety of subjects like owner/operator, service, training, and instruction manuals just to name a few. Our manuals product category uses saddle stitching as the bind type which limits the page count to 40 or less. If your product has more than 40 pages please refer to our perfect binding books or textbooks category.

Want to see and feel the quality, stocks, and finishes before making your final choice?  Click here to order our Paper Sample User Guide.

Based on the selection of product size and additional option attributes, you can view and download the help template for the product.

Pages vs. Sheets
A single sheet of paper has 2 sides, a front and a back side. A sheet folded in half gives you 4 numbered pages.

Counting Pages
To determine the number of pages, count every sheet side (each sheet has 2 sides) and all blank pages.

Your page count must be divisible by 2 for coil and perfect bound books and by 4 for saddle stitch products. If you file is not divisible by the appropriate number, blank pages will be added. We encourage you to add the blank(s) to your file to ensure placement is to your liking. 

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(Min: 1, Max: 2000)
(Min: 8, Max: 76) (Step: 4)
(Min: 8, Max: 76)
Please enter a multiple of 4
Total cost : $14.29

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Total cost including shipping : $14.29